Fetaured services

Why you will choose

Healthcare Pharmacy

Save up to 80% on your rx

Products & Services

Products & services to help you with your unique needs

Tools & Advice

Resources to help make complex decisions easier


Find the right insurance coverage and enroll online or by phone

Easy steps to get your customized quotes

Let's Find Better Healthcare in Your Area!


Access the same pricing as agents for 100+ plans


Compare plan options customized for you


Get your questions answered by licensed insurance agents/brokers


Secure the right coverage & enroll online or via phone

About Our Company

We’re Insuranceu.net, an online healthcare company working to help people compare health insurance options.

The quickly growing team at Insuranceu.net is obsessed with helping you find the right health coverage for your needs. To date we’ve helped over 3 million people find health insurance. By using data, technology, and customer service to answer your questions, we help you make the right decisions for your coverage.

Trusted by 1200 companies!

We have more than 1200+ trusted clients around World wide.

Access pricing, availability, and enrollment options for your insurance!

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